Sunday, June 22, 2014

Two minutes with a worry wart. . .

I AM A WORRY WART.  I worry about everything. It consumes me. I lay awake at night playing over every scenario that happened that day. Why did I scream at my daughter like that today?  I've got to control myself, even when she's acting like that. Why can't she just listen though? I feel like I'm telling her the same thing over and over again.  But I hate when my husband instigates and makes it worse.  God, he got her worked up today. Why does he do that? I wonder if all Dad's like to push their daughters buttons when they're already upset? Oh it makes me so mad, I wish he would just leave her alone.
I get so defensive over her. I wonder if that will change. I just worry about her so much. Is she going to be ok? Am I teaching her everything she needs to know? Are people going to pick on her? Will she have friends? Is she going to hate me when she's older? Blame me for all that I've done?
My son was cute today. The ways he play still scare me though. He's just so rough and loves to tumble and play and I worry someday he's going to get hurt. We are lucky he doesn't have what his sister has, we would be in the ER all the time for sure. I've got to remind myself to be thankful for the good things and try not to dwell on the bad.
Why do I do that? Sometimes I wish I could just let go. I'm always stressing out so much about things that I can't control. My stomach hurts. I wonder if it's an ulcer. No probably didn't eat enough today. I never can seem to find the time. . .Then I finally do and one of the kids comes and eats it all.
Work sucked today. Sometimes I wish I could just tell them all to go to hell. I wish I could change careers. Maybe I should be a chef. No. Or a nurse. I could go back to school. Wait what am I thinking. Can we afford that? Could my husband handle all that extra responsibility? No. Probably not. I guess works not that bad. But I sure could use a raise. I wonder if I'll get one soon?
My husband seemed ok today. I'm always worried he's going to realize he could do better. I know this isn't the life he envisioned. We always seem so stressed. Thank God he reassures me all the time that he loves me. Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me hanging on. I wonder if he'll always be that attentive? How does he put up with me? That I will never know. . . Are we going to be together forever? I sure hope so. I wonder where we will end up?
I've got to get some sleep. I'm so tired. I wonder when the kids will wake up in the morning. My son gets up so damn early. I wonder if something's wrong with him? No his sister gets up early too. Maybe its cause our house is so small. I wonder if we will ever be able to move? I feel like I haven't slept in years. . . .